Daytime Tuesdays is when Men’s’ Golf League plays
So you can guess the average age
Of faces tanned by southern rays
Boys living at the pension stage.
Men fifty through eighty post weekly scores
Thirty points higher than their age
That’s why we hear so many “Fores,”
And groundskeepers live inside a cage.
Both skills and strength we expect to fade
But older guys still filled with vanity
Blame extraneous things for errant shots they played
And pepper remarks with profanity.
The insipid topics of conversation
Range from sports to politics to medical care,
Knee replacement and poor circulation,
NHL playoffs and Trump’s orange hair.
Since their performances here will never bring fame
One might question the handshakes as each round ends
But they return each week for pure love of the game,
And all are winners when they have friends.
© Ron Unruh, April 2019