
Tuesday, November 29, 2022


The only exclusive timeless spiritual being, Triune God, surrounded by spiritual creatures, angels who worship and serve God eternally, decided to create a species of physical beings, unique, humanity, in whom God would invest a divine similarity. A delicate feature. There would be affinity between God and humanity. To affect this plan, God created a universe of galaxies, and in one galaxy he made one planet suitable to human physical life. Humanity, with this divine resemblance, both genders, should enjoy Earth and wisely govern this jewel of a planet.  God was pleased with creation. Because God knows all things, ends from beginnings, even then God knew humanity would fail to maintain God’s likeness. Sin would interrupt the affinity God had with humanity. Sin changed humanity. Transience and Mortality. God’s penalty on sin. Still God loved this Earth full of people. God’s plan in eternity was to restore this Godlikeness, this affinity in humanity. Restoration would result from God’s greatest of all time demonstration of love. The death penalty would be paid. God determined to take on a human form to briefly reside on planet Earth, then die. God’s eternality would conquer death. Penalty served. Sin’s interruption arrested. God’s prerogative. The benefit to humanity, contingent on individual faith in the efficacy of God’s death. Plus, a promise. Eternal life with God for the believer. It worked. It works.

Friday, November 4, 2022




She shimmers, still, 

in my eyes, like a star in the wave,

Reflected for only me, no one else around, 

No one in her gaze. 

She is satisfied with me, after all this time,

Though I am not what I was, when I was delighted with myself,

Young and strong and able, and she called me handsome,

Her love, so tight, and me with a future and resolve.

Were she young now, she would pass me by, pleasant old guy.

Instead, she came with me, through all our years,

Or I with her, I’d follow her forever, she’s everything.

She shimmers, all colours of stunning, 

And we’re here together, now, and always, 

I wanted that, for all my life, 

And she, hand clasping mine, squeezes, yes.


© Ron Unruh, Nov 3, 2022