My whistle came back unexpectedly.
Today it returned as I stepped from my car.
Such a surprise, put a smile on my face
It had not occurred to me in this race of life
That in all these past months it was gone.
But there it was with two lips together
Whistling a fine, happy day song.
Just as it’s always been with me and my dad,
A melodic whistle to begin my long day,
And sustain me through each working hour.
I can only explain whistle’s long leave of absence
As the outcome of dealing with grief,
Sometimes when absorbed by life’s heartaches
The desired relief that one looks for is missing
And the whistle is blocked and forgotten.
But it’s back to stay now I think and my neighbours will know
When they hear me passing their places
Like a bridge over troubled waters or some other song
I can imagine their faces, smiling as they pick up the tune,
Returning to what they were doing and saying that must have been Ron.
© Ron Unruh, Feb 2020