
Friday, March 21, 2025

HYMNSING. It is what it says.

HYMNSING. That’s what it’s called. A Sunday evening at Clearbrook Mennonite Brethren Church. 300-400 people show up, and the predominant hair colour is white. The HymnSing is so popular that when people in the audience were asked to raise their hand if they were not regular attendees at that church, the majority put up their hands. That’s an indicator that the depth, familiarity and nostalgia of hymns is uncommon in many churches today yet there are many people, like me, who enjoy singing the theology in hymnology form. Hundreds more listen and watch online in the comfort of their homes. It's not a contest between contemporary and dated music forms. This is merely an observed experience.

White haired attendees is not a surprise. 60, 70 and 80 years ago, if we grew up in church families, we sang hymns in church and over time we have known them by heart, entire hymns, every word. We sang in four-part harmony, still do. Many have the notation locked in memory as well. You can arouse an elderly person from Alzheimer vacancy, by playing an intro to a hymn. They will sing the lyrics even though they customarily don’t speak.

I attended HymnSing last Sunday night. A friend four years older, accompanied me. He was for many years the choir director at this church. So many people know him and love him and expressed that to him. Yes, this is one of the few churches in the area who still have a choir each Sunday. This is a large choir and they sang very well, albeit with a vibrato like a wavy sea. And the congregations sings – like a mass choir.   

The next HymnSing is Easter Sunday, April 20, at 6:30 PM (6:15 PM for prelude). Doors open at 5:45 PM.

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