
Monday, April 13, 2020


This entry is intended more as a personal record for future reference rather than a news report.

Covid -19 has changed our lives within a few weeks. Many of us have spent a minimum of 14 days in at home isolation. Most people are observing the precautions recommended by provincial and federal health officials. This seeming imposition of self-isolation will feel like salvation when this scourge dies. No knowledgeable authority can predict a quick end to this pandemic. Individual financial futures as well as the global economy are a great concern.

We daily view the Worldometre database to read the horrifying spead of illness and death in 210 countries.The disease that began January 22 has of this morning April 13 resulted in 1,867,129 cases of coronavirus, and 115,278 deaths worldwide. The stats are found here,

Christine and I fit the demographic of the most vulnerable due to our ages. Our own children are insistent that we remain inside and they offer to buy groceries etc. for us. We have reasonably complied. Up until three weeks ago, I worked my 5 hr shift as a starter @ Pagoda Ridge Golf Course. Almost 200 golfers came past me to the first tee. Despite numerous precautions, I felt vulnerable enough to exposure that I withdrew my name from the work list. Two days later the golf course wisely ceased operations. 

In our housing complex everyone is compliant with distancing expectations. Many of us stay in touch by e-messaging or talking to each other at some distance. Christine has for the past several weeks done baking of scones or tarts and this week some Easter bread (Pasta), a delightful bread with icing and sprinkles on top and she has left them at the doors of several of our friends in our community. You give and you get. Friends leave flowers or other treats at our door. 

Easter Sunday was very strange yesterday. For the umpteenth week, because churches are closed, we watched a live-streamed service from our church. Christine had some small gifts for our grandchildren, such as chocolate easter bunnies, and we delivered these to the families while standing at a distance outside their doors. My son and daughter, both school teachers, prepare lessons in their homes which are then placed online, and students and teachers then interact all week in a virtual class.

It’s an ongoing challenge for young parents to creatively engage their children in activities when parks and playgrounds are closed and family activities are supposed to be restricted to members of one’s nuclear family. People are permitted to walk, to jog, to take the dog out, do limited necessary shopping. There are few vehicles on roads.  

    The Covid-19 stats are available here,, but scroll down the page at which you arrive & see these comparative deaths. 
3,671,330 Communicable disease deaths this year
137,545 Seasonal flu death this year
2,149,637 Deaths of children under 5 this year
12,021,597 Abortions this year
87,413 Deaths of mothers during birth this year
475,417 Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
2,322,678 Deaths caused by cancer this year
277,401 Deaths caused by malaria this year

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