
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

FINISH STRONG - Nick Vujicic

One of his best lines and most valuable lessons is something like this. “If you fall down, what are you going to do? You will try to get up. And if you fail the first time or fail trying one hundred times, it doesn't matter. What matter's is how you finish. So you try again, and at last you get up."

It might be trite if it were spoken by anyone else but Nick Vujicic. A friend sent me a link that introduced me for the first time to Nick Vujicic, a twenty-five year old Aussie man. He is a motivational speaker. He was born without arms and legs. Now he travels to countries around the world and speaks to businesses, schools, prisons, churches inspiring people to rise above obstacles and challenges. Yet he states that his real mission “is to cross boundaries and break down barriers to build bridges that bring people to the love and hope found in Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:28 says, "We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ."

He certainly moved me to tears. I asked Christine to watch it with me. He got me again. Then I looked at all the Internet references to this wonderful man. I found his website which is entitled ‘Life Without Limbs.’ On this site you will hear his profound personal love for Jesus Christ. You can also find numerous videos to see and hear him in action.
But for now, take 2 minutes, to watch this one. It will put your life into perspective.

And of course there are tons of others:
Greg Laurie interviews Nick
Nick is speaking at a Conference (23 minutes)

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