
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Taking Issue with the Slanderers – Part Two

There are encouraging observations we can make about the new administration. On the White House website, every effort is being made by the new Obama administration to communicate to his nation and any of the rest of us that choose to peek inside. (

This home page is set up in three columns and in the middle section is a reference to both the already signed legislation and under that the agenda. A close examination of these two files provides a reader with the data necessary to identify the areas about which conscientious bible loving believers should be concerned and the areas about which we should take heart. I will demonstrate it. Obama has signed four legislative acts listed here all of which cannot be deemed as objectionable.

1. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 approved by the House and Senate on February 13, 2009.
Obama Signed: Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2009
The entire 400 page document is accessible.
2. DTV Delay Act The House approved this delay to transition from analog to digital TV, from February 17 -- less than two weeks away -- to June 12 2009.
Obama Signed: Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2009
3. Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act was approved by the U.S. Senate on January 29th, and is better known as the State Children's Health Insurance Program or SCHIP. The President’s signature legislates that this coverage will continue for six to seven million children and increase that coverage to four million more.
Signed: Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2009
4. Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act which will make it easier for people to get the pay they deserve -- regardless of their gender, race, or age.
Obama Signed: Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009

This may become more reading than you care to engage. However, every highlighted title is a hyperlink to a full synopsis disclosure and a speech from Obama if he has made one concerning the topic. More importantly, on the home page when you scroll down, there are several columns, the second being Agenda and under this are all the 24 relevant areas that the Obama administration intends to address. Economy, Energy and Environment are highlighted in this Agenda window, but as I say there are more issues so the entire agenda can be looked at.

Read the President's economic agenda.
Energy & the Environment
Read the President's agenda on energy & the environment.
More Issues
Read the President's entire agenda.

The issue that was flagged by the Kim Priestap piece I mentioned yesterday will be found among what are termed Presidential memoranda which may communicate Executive Orders or Administrative Orders all of which have the full weight of the Office of the President as do the legislative Acts cited above. The approach I am taking rather than that of an alarmist is to read not only the headlines but the words in which they are packaged because there the rationale reduces the alarm. So far, my conclusion is that the USA has elected an extraordinary person with many attitudes and values which I wholeheartedly support.

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